SOS SAVE OUR SEXUALITY Internet pornography is a billion dollar business The European porn industry generates daily € 12.6 million Euro, the US porn industry roughly $10-12 billion every year Never before has there been a freely available pornography offer in this dimension: 42 million websites have pornographic content, 12% of all websites worldwide 72 million people worldwide view pornographic websites every month 68 million search queries on the Internet refer daily to pornography 726 million porn movies are played daily (3000 per second) 35% of the total traffic on the Internet is pornography 80% of the visitors of porn websites spend so much time on sex offerings that they endanger their real relationships or their jobs ( The largest user group of Internet pornography is the age group of 12 to 18 year olds. ( 50% of the 11 - 13 - year - olds come into contact with pornography on the Internet. 66% of male adolescents between 16 and 19 years of age consume pornography daily or weekly, every fifth boy watches porn every day. ( (Pastötter, Pryce, Drey, 2008) Every single child with a `smart devise´has access to pornography on the Internet! "Sex" and "Porn" are among the top 5 search terms in children under 18 years. Only 3% of the porn sites require an age confirmation by the user. The policy promotes the gigantic sales of the porn industry! The European Parliament rejects a porn barrier in 2013, thus opening up access to Internet pornography for minors, who make up the largest part of the users. Worldwide the porn industry is worth approximately $97 billion. This money is enough to feed 4.8 billion people a day. Please support and share SOS. Thank you! . Save Our Sexuality, Save Our World!
